Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Key Fob, and Dual Pendant for a special place !

This Dynamic Duo ( See story below map image) decided to commemorate a special place off the beaten path.   High in the Utah uplands !
 I shipped these two designs off with out taking photos :(  both designs are visible on the Latitude Designs   website ( cheap plug hehe...)

Thank you for sharing this special place in time story ! 

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 LOVE them! The coordinates are unknown ridge in Utah where our son was conceived. We know this for sure. Ivan, my son's Dad is a medievac helicopter pilot and wears the keyfob around his neck to remind him of the treasure he has at home and to be safe flying. I wear the necklace around my neck at work as and ER doctor to remind me of why life is precious and will give him the necklace one day to remind him that  he is so special to us.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A latitude / Groove ring Fusion !

Another special place commemorated with this custom designed Wedding Band.  The customer liked the Heavy Groove design and the Latitude concept so we combined the two!!
 This is a popular camping spot and these two met there several years ago.  Story is coming soon :)

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